Top Cover Permanent Topper
Top Cover is a permanent opaque topper that helps prevent show through when the thread color contrasts with the background fabric. It also allows the stitches to sit on top of the fabric instead of nestling down in the nap of the fibers. This topper is also great for fleece or heavily textured fabrics. Remove it by tearing away excess.
Key Features:
Prevents Shadowing: Top Cover prevents contrasting fabrics from shadowing through your embroidery (For example a white polar bear stitched on a black towel).
Improves the Look of Embroidery: Using Top Cover keeps your embroidery stitches from sinking into the weave or nap of your fabric.
Best on Less Complex Designs: Because Top Cover needs to be torn away, it is best used on designs with large amounts of fill stitches and less intricate stitching.
Sizes to Fit your Project: Top Cover is available in a pack of (20) 8" x 9" sheets in assorted colors: 4 sheets each of white, red, and black, and 2 sheets each of yellow, orange, green, blue.